Electrical properties
This sub-section assesses the properties of single neuron models in the reconstructed microcircuit against published literature.
The properties that were evaluated include ion channel kinetics, electrical firing patterns, passive properties like the resting membrane potential, membrane time constant, input resistance; active properties like AP amplitude, AP half width, firing frequency, inter-spike interval; dendritic properties like bAP and EPSP/IPSP attenuation.
The results of the consistency check were categorized as consistent, inconsistent, possibly consistent, input,not implemented or not applicable based on agreement with a given evaluation criterion.
5 paper(s) | |
1 paper(s) | |
26 paper(s) | |
12 paper(s) | |
28 paper(s) |
consistent - Greg Stuart - Action potential initiation and
propagation in rat neocortical pyramidal neurons.
- input/validation/consistent
- consistent
- evaluation criterion
- The action potential generation site in the pyramidal cell electrical models is in the AIS, and the dendrites show backpropagating APs
- id
- 1
- species
- rat
- age
- P26-30
- brain region
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- action potentials
- statement
- Paper shows action potential generation in AIS, and bAP
- pmid
- 9457640
- title
- Action potential initiation and propagation in rat neocortical pyramidal neurons.
- contact Name
- Greg Stuart
- contributed by
- Werner
- checked by
consistent - Jochen F. Staiger - Functional diversity of
layer IV spiny neurons in rat somatosensory cortex: quantitative morphology of
electrophysiologically characterized and biocytin labeled cells.
- input/validation/consistent
- consistent
- evaluation criterion
- The electrical models for star pyramidal, spiny stellate and pyramidal cells show a regular firing pattern
- id
- 2
- species
- rat
- age
- P19-21
- brain region
- Barrel cortex
- layer
- L4
- ME-Type
- L4 spiny neurons
- aspect
- L4 characterization
- statement
- Detailed morphological data characterizing three subpopulations of spiny neurons in slices of adolescent rats: (i) spiny stellate cells (58%), (ii) star pyramidal cells (25%) and (iii) pyramidal cells (17%)
- pmid
- 15054049
- title
- Functional diversity of layer IV spiny neurons in rat somatosensory cortex: quantitative morphology of electrophysiologically characterized and biocytin labeled cells.
- contact Name
- Jochen F. Staiger
- contributed by
- Rajnish
- checked by
consistent - Greg J. Stuart - Site of action potential
initiation in layer 5 pyramidal neurons.
- input/validation/consistent
- consistent
- evaluation criterion
- The AP initiation in the pyramidal cell electrical models is between 30 to 60 mum from the soma
- id
- 3
- species
- rat
- age
- P21-P35
- brain region
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- AP initiation
- statement
- AP initiation 35 microm from the axon hillock
- pmid
- 16467534
- title
- Site of action potential initiation in layer 5 pyramidal neurons.
- contact Name
- Greg J. Stuart
- contributed by
- Werner
- checked by
consistent - Rafael Yuste - State-dependent function of
neocortical chandelier cells.
- input/validation/consistent
- consistent
- evaluation criterion
- ChC have an inhibitory function in the neocortical column model
- id
- 4
- species
- mouse
- age
- P16-_25
- brain region
- neocortex
- layer
- -
- ME-Type
- ChC
- aspect
- Function of ChC cells
- statement
- We can compare role of BBP ChC with this paper.
- pmid
- 22159102
- title
- State-dependent function of neocortical chandelier cells.
- contact Name
- Rafael Yuste
- contributed by
- rajnish
- checked by
consistent - Bender KJ, Trussell LO. - The physiology of the
axon initial segment.
- input/validation/consistent
- consistent
- evaluation criterion
- The electrical models have a separate AIS, with Na, K and Ca channels. The APs in the AIS are sharper than in the axon.
- id
- 5
- species
- all
- age
- brain region
- layer
- ME-Type
- aspect
- ion channel compositions AIS
- statement
- review that describes which channels are present in the AIS
- pmid
- 22443507
- title
- The physiology of the axon initial segment.
- contact Name
- Bender KJ, Trussell LO.
- contributed by
- Werner
- checked by
inconsistent - Greg Stuart - Active propagation of somatic
action potentials into neocortical pyramidal cell dendrites.
- input/validation/consistent
- inconsistent
- evaluation criterion
- The electrical models of the pyramidal have a NaT density in the dendrites of ~200 pS/um2
- id
- 6
- species
- rat
- age
- 2 weeks
- brain region
- somatosensory cortex
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Electrophysiological properties
- statement
- apical Nat density = 40 pS/um2
- pmid
- 8107777
- title
- Active propagation of somatic action potentials into neocortical pyramidal cell dendrites.
- contact Name
- Greg Stuart
- contributed by
- Etay Hay
- checked by
input - Matthew Larkum - Dendritic mechanisms underlying the
coupling of the dendritic with the axonal action potential initiation zone of adult rat layer 5
pyramidal neurons.
- input/validation/consistent
- input
- evaluation criterion
- id
- 7
- species
- rat
- age
- 4-8 weeks
- brain region
- somatosensory cortex
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Electrophysiological properties
- statement
- BAP attenuation
- pmid
- 11389204
- title
- Dendritic mechanisms underlying the coupling of the dendritic with the axonal action potential initiation zone of adult rat layer 5 pyramidal neurons.
- contact Name
- Matthew Larkum
- contributed by
- Etay Hay
- checked by
input - Greg Stuart - Determinants of voltage attenuation in
neocortical pyramidal neuron dendrites.
- input/validation/consistent
- input
- evaluation criterion
- id
- 8
- species
- rat
- age
- 3 weeks
- brain region
- somatosensory cortex
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Electrophysiological properties
- statement
- Ra = 100, voltage attenuation in apical dendrites and effect of Ih on attenuation
- pmid
- 9570781
- title
- Determinants of voltage attenuation in neocortical pyramidal neuron dendrites.
- contact Name
- Greg Stuart
- contributed by
- Etay Hay
- checked by
input - Henry Markram - Morphological, electrophysiological, and
synaptic properties of corticocallosal pyramidal cells in the neonatal rat neocortex.
- input/validation/consistent
- input
- evaluation criterion
- id
- 9
- species
- rat
- age
- P13-16
- brain region
- somatosensory cortex
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Electrophysiological properties
- statement
- Firing features, Rin averages 50 Mohm, membrane time constant averages 20 ms
- pmid
- 17124287
- title
- Morphological, electrophysiological, and synaptic properties of corticocallosal pyramidal cells in the neonatal rat neocortex.
- contact Name
- Henry Markram
- contributed by
- Etay Hay
- checked by
input - Maarten Kole - Single Ih channels in pyramidal neuron
dendrites: properties, distribution, and impact on action potential output.
- input/validation/consistent
- input
- evaluation criterion
- id
- 10
- species
- rat
- age
- P28-70
- brain region
- somatosensory cortex
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Electrophysiological properties
- statement
- Eleak = -90 mV, Ih distribution
- pmid
- 16467515
- title
- Single Ih channels in pyramidal neuron dendrites: properties, distribution, and impact on action potential output.
- contact Name
- Maarten Kole
- contributed by
- Etay Hay
- checked by
not applicable - Donald G. Rainnie - A transcriptomic
analysis of type I-III neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- This paper describes properties of BSTN neurons
- id
- 11
- species
- rat
- age
- 28-42 days old
- brain region
- layer
- ME-Type
- BNST(ALG) neurons
- aspect
- The intrinsic membrane currents Ih, IT and IK(IR) played a significant role in determining the subtypes of BNST neurons.
- statement
- This paper shows a Positive correlation between the physiological and genetic phenotype of BNST neurons : each distinct physiological cell types within the BNST shows a different pattern of Ion channel expression. These distinct genetic phenotypes can explain subtle differences in physiologic function.
- pmid
- 21310239
- title
- A transcriptomic analysis of type I-III neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.
- contact Name
- Donald G. Rainnie
- contributed by
- emmanuelle logette
- checked by
not applicable - Donald G. Rainnie - A transcriptomic
analysis of type I-III neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- id
- 12
- species
- rat
- age
- 28-42 days old
- brain region
- layer
- ME-Type
- BNST(ALG) neurons
- aspect
- single-cell analysis of ion channel mRNA expression in the BNST neurons
- statement
- In this paper they showed that each different electrophysiologically identified subtypes of neurons in BNST expresses a characteristic profile of transcript for the 16 IC subunits studied.
- pmid
- 21310239
- title
- A transcriptomic analysis of type I-III neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.
- contact Name
- Donald G. Rainnie
- contributed by
- emmanuelle logette
- checked by
not applicable - Stuart, GJ - Action potential initiation
and propagation in layer 5 pyramidal neurons of the rat prefrontal cortex: absence of dopamine
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- This paper involves adult rat neurons, while the electrical models are for neurons of P14 rats. The electrical models also don't model calcium in the dendrites
- id
- 13
- species
- rat
- age
- adult
- brain region
- pfC
- layer
- 5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- AP initiation
- statement
- AP backpropagation in prefrontal layer 5 pyramidal neurons is robust but frequency dependent in the distal tuft, requires dendritic sodium rather than calcium channel activation, and, unlike other aspects of neuronal excitability, insensitive to modulation by dopamine
- pmid
- 14673000
- title
- Action potential initiation and propagation in layer 5 pyramidal neurons of the rat prefrontal cortex: absence of dopamine modulation.
- contact Name
- Stuart, GJ
- contributed by
- SR
- checked by
not applicable - Nedivi, E - Clustered dynamics of
inhibitory synapses and dendritic spines in the adult neocortex.
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- Area V1
- id
- 14
- species
- mouse
- age
- adult
- brain region
- V1
- layer
- L2/3
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Spine dynamics
- statement
- Inhibitory synapses on dendritic shafts and spines differ in their distribution across the arbor and in their remodeling kinetics during normal and altered sensory experience.
- pmid
- 22542188
- title
- Clustered dynamics of inhibitory synapses and dendritic spines in the adult neocortex.
- contact Name
- Nedivi, E
- contributed by
- SR
- checked by
not applicable - Larkman, A. - Correlations between
morphology and electrophysiology of pyramidal neurons in slices of rat visual cortex. I.
Establishment of cell classes.
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- Visual cortex
- id
- 15
- species
- rat
- age
- brain region
- visual cortex
- layer
- L2/3, L4,L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- morphology, electrophysiology
- statement
- determine whether different classes of neocortical pyramidal neurons possess distinctive electrophysiological properties.
- pmid
- 2332787
- title
- Correlations between morphology and electrophysiology of pyramidal neurons in slices of rat visual cortex. I. Establishment of cell classes.
- contact Name
- Larkman, A.
- contributed by
- Y. Shi
- checked by
not applicable - Larkman, A. - Correlations between
morphology and electrophysiology of pyramidal neurons in slices of rat visual cortex. II.
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- Visual cortex
- id
- 16
- species
- rat
- age
- brain region
- visual cortex
- layer
- L23.L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Electrophysiology
- statement
- Despite variation between individual cells of a single class, significant differences were found in the time constants, current/voltage relations, and repetitive firing behaviors of the 3 classes. Burst firing responses to injected current pulses were confined to the layer 5 cells with thick apical dendrites
- pmid
- 2332788
- title
- Correlations between morphology and electrophysiology of pyramidal neurons in slices of rat visual cortex. II. Electrophysiology.
- contact Name
- Larkman, A.
- contributed by
- Y. Shi
- checked by
not applicable - Hyong Kyu Kim - Dendritic localization
and a cis-acting dendritic targeting element of Kv4.2 mRNA.
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- cultured rat hippocampal neurons
- id
- 17
- species
- rat
- age
- 1 day old pups
- brain region
- hippocampus
- layer
- ME-Type
- cultured rat hippocampal neurons
- aspect
- regulation of Ion channel mRNA localisation
- statement
- In this paper, they identified the cis-acting element responsible for the dendritic localisation of kv4.2 mRNA. This targeting sequence is located in the 3'UTR-region of the gene as in most mRNAs destined for localization in dendrites.
- pmid
- 21034530
- title
- Dendritic localization and a cis-acting dendritic targeting element of Kv4.2 mRNA.
- contact Name
- Hyong Kyu Kim
- contributed by
- emmanuelle logette
- checked by
not applicable - Yang, C. R. - Electrophysiological and
morphological properties of layers V-VI principal pyramidal cells in rat prefrontal cortex in vitro.
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- Prefrontal cortex
- id
- 18
- species
- rat
- age
- brain region
- prefrontal cortex
- layer
- L5,L6
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Electrophysiological and morphological properties
- statement
- Four principal pyramidal cell types were identified and classified as regular spiking (RS) (19%), intrinsic bursting (IB) (64%), repetitive oscillatory bursting (ROB) (13%), and intermediate (IM) (4%) types. All PFC cells exhibited either subthreshold oscillation in membrane voltage or pacemaker-like rhythmic firing
- pmid
- 8774458
- title
- Electrophysiological and morphological properties of layers V-VI principal pyramidal cells in rat prefrontal cortex in vitro.
- contact Name
- Yang, C. R.
- contributed by
- Y. Shi
- checked by
not applicable - Yves Gioanni - Electrophysiological
Properties of Pyramidal Neurons in the Rat Prefrontal Cortex: An In Vivo Intracellular Recording
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- This paper described neurons from the prefrontal cortex
- id
- 19
- species
- rat
- age
- brain region
- prefrontal cortex
- layer
- L2-6
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Electrical properties of PCs
- statement
- Gives numbers for the electrical properies - see table 1 of the paper
- pmid
- 11734528
- title
- Electrophysiological Properties of Pyramidal Neurons in the Rat Prefrontal Cortex: An In Vivo Intracellular Recording Study
- contact Name
- Yves Gioanni
- contributed by
- Melissa
- checked by
not applicable - A. Korngreen - Experimentally guided
modelling of dendritic excitability in rat neocortical pyramidal neurones.
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- The data in this paper describes very adult neuron (P35-P45)
- id
- 20
- species
- rat
- age
- P35 - P45
- brain region
- somatosensory cortex
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- Pyramidal neurons
- aspect
- Comparamental neuron model based on experimental data
- statement
- Values for 19 different parameters in Table 1
- pmid
- 19171651
- title
- Experimentally guided modelling of dendritic excitability in rat neocortical pyramidal neurones.
- contact Name
- A. Korngreen
- contributed by
- Oli
- checked by
not applicable - Kole, MHP - Inherited cortical HCN1
channel loss amplifies dendritic calcium electrogenesis and burst firing in a rat absence epilepsy
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- This paper involves adult neurons, while the electrical models are for neurons of P14 rats.
- id
- 21
- species
- rat
- age
- adult
- brain region
- S1
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Neuronal excitability
- statement
- A rapid loss of dendritic HCN1 channels in WAG/Rij cortex precedes seizure onset. Further, we identify that dendritic HCN1 channel loss plays a direct role in frequency-dependent amplification of backpropagating action potentials, and enhances high-frequency burst firing in L5 pyramidal neurons, suggesting that HCN1 loss facilitates the initiation and propagation of spontaneous generalized seizures
- pmid
- 17095562
- title
- Inherited cortical HCN1 channel loss amplifies dendritic calcium electrogenesis and burst firing in a rat absence epilepsy model.
- contact Name
- Kole, MHP
- contributed by
- SR
- checked by
not applicable - Avoli M - Inhibitory potentials in
neurons of the deep layers of the in vitro neocortical slice.
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- This paper involves adult rat neurons, while the electrical models are for neurons of P14 rats.
- id
- 22
- species
- rat
- age
- adult
- brain region
- sensorimotor region
- layer
- L5 and L6
- ME-Type
- neocortical neurons
- aspect
- Focal extracellular stimulation-induced hyperpolarization can last up to 1000 ms and show two components: (1) the early one (peak latency 10-20 ms), is inverted by diffusion of Cl- into the cell; (2) the late one is diminished by augmenting [K+]o. The membrane conductance is increased throughout the stimulus-induced hyperpolarization, mainly during the first 10-60 ms.
- statement
- resting membrane potential (Vm) of -60 to-85 mV (70.6 ± 5.8, mean ± S.D., n = 31), an apparent input resistance ranging from 25 to 52 Mff2 (38.0 ± 9.2, n = 23). The amplitudes of the action potentials generated in response to synaptic stimulation or intracellular depolarizing pulse were 70-100 mV (81.3 ± 7.8, n = 29)
- pmid
- 3011189
- title
- Inhibitory potentials in neurons of the deep layers of the in vitro neocortical slice.
- contact Name
- Avoli M
- contributed by
- Oli
- checked by
not applicable - Gyorgy Buzsaki - Intrinsic circuit
organization and theta-gamma oscillation dynamics in the entorhinal cortex of the rat.
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- Entorhinal cortex
- id
- 23
- species
- rat
- age
- adult
- brain region
- entorhinal cortex
- layer
- L2 to L5
- ME-Type
- EC
- aspect
- Gamma and theta waves modulation on EC
- statement
- LFP waves modulation in theta and gama on EC in vivo
- pmid
- 20720120
- title
- Intrinsic circuit organization and theta-gamma oscillation dynamics in the entorhinal cortex of the rat.
- contact Name
- Gyorgy Buzsaki
- contributed by
- checked by
not applicable - Stuart, G - Mechanisms and consequences
of action potential burst firing in rat neocortical pyramidal neurons
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- This paper involves P21-P35 neurons, while the electrical models are for neurons of P14 rats. The electrical models also don't model calcium in the dendrites
- id
- 24
- species
- rat
- age
- P21-P35
- brain region
- cortex
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Mechanisms underlying generation of action potential
- statement
- High frequency action potential (330-/+10 Hz) burst firing is abolished by the removal of Ca2+ or the addtion of a Ca2+ channel antagonist. Weakened action potential burst firing is abolished by the blockade of dendrite Na channels with TTx as did the local apical dendrite application of Ni2-. Apical dendritic depolarisation results in low frequency (157+26Hz) action potential burst firing in regular firing neurons. The intensity of action potential burst firing facilitated by dendritic depolarisation. Action potential amplitude decreases when measured somatically. Axonal recordings showed that each action potential in a burst is axonally initiated and that no decrement in the AP is apparent in the axon > 30 um from the soma.
- pmid
- 10581316
- title
- Mechanisms and consequences of action potential burst firing in rat neocortical pyramidal neurons
- contact Name
- Stuart, G
- contributed by
- Melissa
- checked by
not applicable - Povysheva N V - Parvalbumin-positive
basket interneurons in monkey and rat prefrontal cortex.
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- Barrel cortex
- id
- 25
- species
- rat, monkey
- age
- P56-135, 4-5y
- brain region
- somatosensory barrel cortex
- layer
- 2,3
- ME-Type
- basket cells, pyramidal cells
- aspect
- morphology, neurochemical, electrical
- statement
- The different physiological properties of basket FS interneurons from monkey and rat PFC may further inform our understanding of the nature of the functional differences between species
- pmid
- 18632882
- title
- Parvalbumin-positive basket interneurons in monkey and rat prefrontal cortex.
- contact Name
- Povysheva N V
- contributed by
- Monica Favre
- checked by
not applicable - Jackie Schiller - Properties of basal
dendrites of layer 5 pyramidal neurons: a direct patch-clamp recording study.
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- The cells shown in this paper have a much older age than P14
- id
- 26
- species
- rat
- age
- P36-P53
- brain region
- neocortex
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- basal dendrites
- statement
- pmid
- 17206140
- title
- Properties of basal dendrites of layer 5 pyramidal neurons: a direct patch-clamp recording study.
- contact Name
- Jackie Schiller
- contributed by
- Werner
- checked by
not applicable - Povysheva N V - Properties of excitatory
synaptic responses in fast-spiking interneurons and pyramidal cells from monkey and rat prefrontal
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- This is a comparison between data from monkeys and rats. We only model rat neurons.
- id
- 27
- species
- rat, monkey
- age
- P19-p29, 3.5-6kg
- brain region
- prelimbic, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
- layer
- 2,3
- ME-Type
- fast spiking interneurons, pyramidal cels
- aspect
- physiological properties of miniature EPSPs (mEPSPs), unitary EPSPs (uEPSPs; in connected pairs or by minimal stimulation), and EPSPs evoked by electrical stimulation of the white matter (eEPSPs)
- statement
- Membrane properties were very similar in pyramidal cells from rat and monkey PFC, but in both species these properties were significantly different from those of FS interneurons. EPSPs were significantly larger and faster in FS interneurons than those recorded from pyramidal cells
- pmid
- 16033926
- title
- Properties of excitatory synaptic responses in fast-spiking interneurons and pyramidal cells from monkey and rat prefrontal cortex.
- contact Name
- Povysheva N V
- contributed by
- Monica Favre
- checked by
not applicable - Kasper, Ekkehard M. - Pyramidal neurons
in layer 5 of the rat visual cortex. I. Correlation among cell morphology, intrinsic
electrophysiological properties, and axon targets.
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- Visual cortex
- id
- 28
- species
- rat
- age
- brain region
- visual cortex
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Morphology
- statement
- Every cell studied that projected to the superior colliculus was of the bursting type and had a thick apical dendrite with a terminal tuft. Every cell in this study projecting to the opposite visual cortex was a "nonburster" and had a slender apical dendrite with fewer oblique branches that ended without a terminal tuft, usually in the upper part of layer 2/3
- pmid
- 8144741
- title
- Pyramidal neurons in layer 5 of the rat visual cortex. I. Correlation among cell morphology, intrinsic electrophysiological properties, and axon targets.
- contact Name
- Kasper, Ekkehard M.
- contributed by
- Y. Shi
- checked by
not applicable - Kasper, Ekkehard M. - Pyramidal neurons
in layer 5 of the rat visual cortex. I. Correlation among cell morphology, intrinsic
electrophysiological properties, and axon targets.
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- Visual cortex
- id
- 29
- species
- rat
- age
- brain region
- visual cortex
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Morphology
- statement
- Every cell studied that projected to the superior colliculus was of the bursting type and had a thick apical dendrite with a terminal tuft. Every cell in this study projecting to the opposite visual cortex was a "nonburster" and had a slender apical dendrite with fewer oblique branches that ended without a terminal tuft, usually in the upper part of layer 2/3
- pmid
- 8144741
- title
- Pyramidal neurons in layer 5 of the rat visual cortex. I. Correlation among cell morphology, intrinsic electrophysiological properties, and axon targets.
- contact Name
- Kasper, Ekkehard M.
- contributed by
- Y. Shi
- checked by
not applicable - Neil V Marrion - Rapid endocytosis
provides restricted somatic expression of a K+ channel in central neurons.
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- These experiments are in hippocampal slices in culture
- id
- 30
- species
- rat
- age
- embryo
- brain region
- hippocampus
- layer
- ME-Type
- cultured rat embryonic hippocampal neurons
- aspect
- restricted somatic expression of KCa 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 channels in central neurons
- statement
- Identification of specific binding motifs being responsible for targeting to a particular subcellular location + role of intracellular transport proteins in soma localisation of KCa 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 ion channels
- pmid
- 19861491
- title
- Rapid endocytosis provides restricted somatic expression of a K+ channel in central neurons.
- contact Name
- Neil V Marrion
- contributed by
- Emmanuelle Logette
- checked by
not applicable - Neil V Marrion - Somatic colocalization
of rat SK1 and D class (Ca(v)1.2) L-type calcium channels in rat CA1 hippocampal pyramidal neurons.
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- These experiments are on hippocampal neurons
- id
- 31
- species
- rat
- age
- 10- to 13-d-old rat pups
- brain region
- hippocampus
- layer
- ME-Type
- pyramidal neurons
- aspect
- statement
- pmid
- 11588205
- title
- Somatic colocalization of rat SK1 and D class (Ca(v)1.2) L-type calcium channels in rat CA1 hippocampal pyramidal neurons.
- contact Name
- Neil V Marrion
- contributed by
- emmanuelle Logette
- checked by
not applicable - D.-J. Rhie - Subtype-Specific Dendritic
Ca2+ Dynamics of Inhibitory Interneurons in the Rat Visual Cortex
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- Area V1
- id
- 32
- species
- rat
- age
- p21-27
- brain region
- V1
- layer
- L2/3
- ME-Type
- IN
- aspect
- amplitude of Ca+ currents triggered by somatic action potential
- statement
- FS cells showed only small Ca2+ transients with a similar amplitude in all measured dendritic arbors <=105 µm from the soma (n = 11 cells) (Fig. 5A). These Ca2+ transients increased with the number of somatic APs <=10 APs (20 Hz), LS cells exhibited larger bAP-evoked Ca2+ transients of similar amplitude along the dendritic tree up to ~120 µm from the soma, which increased linearly with the number of somatic APs, Peak amplitude of bAP-evoked dendritic Ca2+ transients in BS cells increased as distance from the soma increased (n = 32 cells) and reached a plateau at ~50-100 µm from the soma
- pmid
- 20554844
- title
- Subtype-Specific Dendritic Ca2+ Dynamics of Inhibitory Interneurons in the Rat Visual Cortex
- contact Name
- D.-J. Rhie
- contributed by
- MR
- checked by
not applicable - Andreas H Burkhalter - Three distinct
families of GABAergic neurons in rat visual cortex.
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- Visual cortex
- id
- 33
- species
- rat
- age
- na
- brain region
- visual cortex
- layer
- L1-6
- ME-Type
- interneurons
- aspect
- classification
- statement
- at least three separate families of GABAergic neuronsin rat area 17thatcan be identified by the expression of PV, CR and SOM. These cellsaccount for 84.9% of GABAergic neurons
- pmid
- 9177765
- title
- Three distinct families of GABAergic neurons in rat visual cortex.
- contact Name
- Andreas H Burkhalter
- contributed by
- Dimitri Christodoulou
- checked by
not applicable - Mel, BW - Translation-invariant
orientation tuning in visual "complex" cells could derive from intradendritic computations.
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- Area V1
- id
- 34
- species
- cat
- age
- brain region
- V1
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Synaptic integration
- statement
- Our model provides a novel, experimentally testable hypothesis regarding the basis of orientation tuning in the complex cell population, and more generally underscores the potential importance of nonlinear intradendritic subunit processing in cortical neurophysiology.
- pmid
- 9592109
- title
- Translation-invariant orientation tuning in visual "complex" cells could derive from intradendritic computations.
- contact Name
- Mel, BW
- contributed by
- SR
- checked by
not applicable - Staiger JF, Petersen CC - Unique
functional properties of somatostatin-expressing GABAergic neurons in mouse barrel cortex.
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- Barrel cortex
- id
- 35
- species
- mouse
- age
- brain region
- Barrel cortex
- layer
- L2/3
- ME-Type
- Neocortical GABAergic neurons
- aspect
- molecular, structural and electrophysiological features
- statement
- spontaneous activity of SOM neurons during quiet wakefulness provides a tonic inhibition to the distal dendrites of excitatory pyramidal neurons
- pmid
- 22366760
- title
- Unique functional properties of somatostatin-expressing GABAergic neurons in mouse barrel cortex.
- contact Name
- Staiger JF, Petersen CC
- contributed by
- Mirjia Herzog
- checked by
not applicable - Staiger JF - Unique functional
properties of somatostatin-expressing GABAergic neurons in mouse barrel cortex.
- input/validation/consistent
- not applicable
- evaluation criterion
- Barrel cortex
- id
- 36
- species
- mouse
- age
- brain region
- Barrel cortex
- layer
- L2/3
- ME-Type
- Neocortical GABAergic neurons
- aspect
- molecular, structural and electrophysiological features
- statement
- spontaneous activity of SOM neurons during quiet wakefulness provides a tonic inhibition to the distal dendrites of excitatory pyramidal neurons
- pmid
- 22366760
- title
- Unique functional properties of somatostatin-expressing GABAergic neurons in mouse barrel cortex.
- contact Name
- Staiger JF
- contributed by
- Mirjia Herzog
- checked by
not implemented - Burkhalter, A - A-type K+ channels
encoded by Kv4.2, Kv4.3 and Kv1.4 differentially regulate intrinsic excitability of cortical
pyramidal neurons.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- The electrical neuron model do not explicitely contain Kv4.2, Kv4.3 and Kv1.4
- id
- 37
- species
- rat
- age
- brain region
- hippocampus and cortex
- layer
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- ICs regulate Intrinsic Excitability of Cortical Pyramidal Neurons
- statement
- Kv4.2, Kv4.3 and Kv1.4 all contribute to the generation of IA channels in mature cortical pyramidal (CP) neurons and that Kv4.2-, Kv4.3- and Kv1.4-encoded IA channels play distinct roles in regulating the intrinsic excitability and the firing properties of mature CP neurons.
- pmid
- 22615428
- title
- A-type K+ channels encoded by Kv4.2, Kv4.3 and Kv1.4 differentially regulate intrinsic excitability of cortical pyramidal neurons.
- contact Name
- Burkhalter, A
- contributed by
- Mirjia Herzog
- checked by
not implemented - Korngreen, A - Characterization of
voltage-gated Ca(2+) conductances in layer 5 neocortical pyramidal neurons from rats
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- We don't implement the 5 subtypes of Cav mentioned in this paper
- id
- 38
- species
- rat
- age
- p12-p16
- brain region
- S1
- layer
- 5
- ME-Type
- TTL5
- aspect
- Ca2+ channels
- statement
- Contribution of the five Ca2+ channel sub-types to Ca2+ current flow during activation under physiological conditions
- pmid
- 19337371
- title
- Characterization of voltage-gated Ca(2+) conductances in layer 5 neocortical pyramidal neurons from rats
- contact Name
- Korngreen, A
- contributed by
- SR
- checked by
not implemented - Hanganu IL, Staiger JF, Ben-Ari Y,
Khazipov R. - Cholinergic modulation of spindle bursts in the neonatal rat visual cortex in vivo.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- Cholinergic innervation is currently not implemented
- id
- 39
- species
- rat
- age
- 5 and 6
- brain region
- Visual cortex
- layer
- ME-Type
- neurons
- aspect
- modulation of spinal bursts
- statement
- cholinergic input facilitates the neonatal V1 spindle bursts and may prime the developing cortex to operate specifically on relevant early (retinal waves) and later (visual input) stimuli.
- pmid
- 17522314
- title
- Cholinergic modulation of spindle bursts in the neonatal rat visual cortex in vivo.
- contact Name
- Hanganu IL, Staiger JF, Ben-Ari Y, Khazipov R.
- contributed by
- Mirjia Herzog
- checked by
not implemented - Yuri Zilberter - Critical state of
energy metabolism in brain slices: the principal role of oxygen delivery and energy substrates in
shaping neuronal activity.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- The electrical models don't mechanism the measure the energy metabolism of the neurons
- id
- 40
- species
- rat
- age
- P19-44
- brain region
- hippocampus
- layer
- NA
- ME-Type
- aspect
- Metabolism & neuronal activity
- statement
- energy metabolism determines the functional state of neuronal network, highlighting the need for the adequate metabolic support to be insured in the in vitro experiments
- pmid
- 22232599
- title
- Critical state of energy metabolism in brain slices: the principal role of oxygen delivery and energy substrates in shaping neuronal activity.
- contact Name
- Yuri Zilberter
- contributed by
- J. Ryge
- checked by
not implemented - Hyong Kyu Kim - Dendritic localization
and a cis-acting dendritic targeting element of Kv4.2 mRNA.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- The electrical neuron models do not explicitely contain Kv4.2 yet
- id
- 41
- species
- rat
- age
- 1 day old pups
- brain region
- hippocampus
- layer
- ME-Type
- cultured rat hippocampal neurons
- aspect
- Ion channel mRNA localisation
- statement
- these results suggest that the dendritic localization of Kv4.2 mRNAs might regulate the dendritic surface level of Kv4.2 channels and synaptic plasticity. Also the subsequent translation of kv4.2 mRNA might be finely regulated by synaptic activity.
- pmid
- 21034530
- title
- Dendritic localization and a cis-acting dendritic targeting element of Kv4.2 mRNA.
- contact Name
- Hyong Kyu Kim
- contributed by
- emmanuelle logette
- checked by
not implemented - Waters, J - Effect of temperature on
spiking patterns of neocortical layer 2/3 and layer 6 pyramidal neurons.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- The ion channel kinetics we use are for a fixed temperature. We can not test the firing pattern at different temperatures
- id
- 42
- species
- mouse
- age
- adult
- brain region
- S1/M1
- layer
- L2/3, 6
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Propagation of spiking activity in networks of excitatory and inhibitory neurons
- statement
- A decrease in spiking regularity with decreasing temperature, probably mediated by increased electrical coupling between soma and dendrites, is common to all pyramidal neurons in motor cortex.
- pmid
- 22593736
- title
- Effect of temperature on spiking patterns of neocortical layer 2/3 and layer 6 pyramidal neurons.
- contact Name
- Waters, J
- contributed by
- SR
- checked by
not implemented - Jeffrey Loeb - Electrical, molecular
and behavioral effects of interictal spiking in the rat
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- The neocortical column model does not model epileptic behavior
- id
- 43
- species
- rat
- age
- 4 months old
- brain region
- somatosensory cortex
- layer
- 2,3
- ME-Type
- aspect
- development of interictal epileptic spiking
- statement
- interictal and ictal activities utilize distinct molecular pathways
- pmid
- 22472188
- title
- Electrical, molecular and behavioral effects of interictal spiking in the rat
- contact Name
- Jeffrey Loeb
- contributed by
- John Fielden
- checked by
not implemented - Schiller, J - Encoding and decoding
bursts by NMDA spikes in basal dendrites of layer 5 pyramidal neurons.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- There are no NMDA spikes in the models
- id
- 44
- species
- rat
- age
- p20-p40
- brain region
- S1
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Synaptic integration
- statement
- NMDA spikes in turn reliably trigger output bursts under in vivo-like stimulus conditions. Through their unique biophysical properties, NMDA spikes are thus ideally suited to promote the propagation of bursts through the cortical network.
- pmid
- 19776275
- title
- Encoding and decoding bursts by NMDA spikes in basal dendrites of layer 5 pyramidal neurons.
- contact Name
- Schiller, J
- contributed by
- SR
- checked by
not implemented - Kole, MHP - First node of Ranvier
facilitates high-frequency burst encoding.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- The electrical models don't contain Nodes of Ranvier
- id
- 45
- species
- rat
- age
- adult
- brain region
- S1
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Node of Ranvier & AP propagation
- statement
- nodal persistent Na+ current exerts an anterograde influence on AP initiation in the axon initial segment, revealing a computational role of the first node of Ranvier beyond conduction of the propagating AP.
- pmid
- 21867883
- title
- First node of Ranvier facilitates high-frequency burst encoding.
- contact Name
- Kole, MHP
- contributed by
- SR
- checked by
not implemented - Chen, Gu - Function and mechanism of
axonal targeting of voltage-sensitive potassium channels.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- Our electric models mostly contain pharmacolliogically specified current, this review mostly talks about genetically specified channels
- id
- 46
- species
- Rat
- age
- adult
- brain region
- layer
- ME-Type
- aspect
- statement
- this review highlights recent studies that demonstrate different roles of axonal K+ channels in the local regulation of axonal excitability
- pmid
- 21530607
- title
- Function and mechanism of axonal targeting of voltage-sensitive potassium channels.
- contact Name
- Chen, Gu
- contributed by
- Emmanuelle Logette
- checked by
not implemented - Adam G Carter - GABAB receptor
modulation of voltage-sensitive calcium channels in spines and dendrites.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- There are no calcium dynamics implemented in the dendrites of our models
- id
- 47
- species
- mouse
- age
- P21-28
- brain region
- medial prefrontal cortex
- layer
- L2/3
- ME-Type
- pyramidal neurons
- aspect
- dendritic currents
- statement
- we examine how GABABRs modulate Ca2+ signals evoked by action potentials (APs) in spines and dendrites of layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in mouse prefrontal cortex.
- pmid
- 21411663
- title
- GABAB receptor modulation of voltage-sensitive calcium channels in spines and dendrites.
- contact Name
- Adam G Carter
- contributed by
- Shruti
- checked by
not implemented - Avanzini, G - Ionic mechanisms
underlying burst firing in pyramidal neurons: intracellular study in rat sensorimotor cortex
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- The electrical models do not burst, there is no calcium in the dendrites
- id
- 48
- species
- rat
- age
- brain region
- sensorimotor region
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Ca2+ burst generation
- statement
- Block IAR with Ca2+ extracellular - does not affect burst generation
- pmid
- 8574660
- title
- Ionic mechanisms underlying burst firing in pyramidal neurons: intracellular study in rat sensorimotor cortex
- contact Name
- Avanzini, G
- contributed by
- Melissa
- checked by
not implemented - Bernardo Rudy - K+ channels at the
axon initial segment dampen near-threshold excitability of neocortical fast-spiking GABAergic
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- The electrical models don't have genetically specified Kv1.1 current
- id
- 49
- species
- mouse
- age
- P18-P40
- brain region
- BC
- layer
- ME-Type
- fast spiking interneurons
- aspect
- Kv1.1
- statement
- Blocking Kv1.1 in AIS influence the delay firing type
- pmid
- 18466749
- title
- K+ channels at the axon initial segment dampen near-threshold excitability of neocortical fast-spiking GABAergic interneurons.
- contact Name
- Bernardo Rudy
- contributed by
- Werner
- checked by
not implemented - Sacha B. Nelson - Layer V neurons in
mouse cortex projecting to different targets have distinct physiological properties.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- The neocortical column model doesn't have clear distinction between projection types for the pyramidal cells
- id
- 50
- species
- mouse
- age
- P23-28
- brain region
- S1
- layer
- 5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Layer 5 PC characterization
- statement
- Our findings indicate that corti-cothalamic and -trigeminal neurons are two largely nonoverlapping subpopulations, whereas callosal and corticostriatal neurons overlap extensively. The morphology as well as the intrinsic membrane and firing properties of corticothalamic and corticotrigeminal neurons differ from those of callosal and corticostriatal neurons. In addition, we find that each class of projection neuron exhibits a unique compliment of hyperpolarizing and depolarizing afterpotentials that further suggests that cortical neurons with different subcortical targets are distinct from one another.
- pmid
- 17898147
- title
- Layer V neurons in mouse cortex projecting to different targets have distinct physiological properties.
- contact Name
- Sacha B. Nelson
- contributed by
- J.Ryge
- checked by
not implemented - Mel, BW - Location-dependent effects
of inhibition on local spiking in pyramidal neuron dendrites.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- The electrical models do not show indepedent dendritic spikes
- id
- 51
- species
- rat
- age
- p20-p40
- brain region
- S1
- layer
- 5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- dendritic spikes
- statement
- somatic inhibition divisively suppressed the amplitude of dendritic spikes recorded at the soma while minimally affecting dendritic spike thresholds
- pmid
- 22719240
- title
- Location-dependent effects of inhibition on local spiking in pyramidal neuron dendrites.
- contact Name
- Mel, BW
- contributed by
- SR
- checked by
not implemented - Staiger JF, Petersen CC - Membrane
potential dynamics of GABAergic neurons in the barrel cortex of behaving mice.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- The neocortical column model does not implement the quiet/active wakefullness state
- id
- 52
- species
- mouse
- age
- brain region
- Barrel cortex
- layer
- L2/3
- ME-Type
- inhibitory and excitatory neurons
- aspect
- synaptic interactions
- statement
- Fast-spiking GABAergic neurons dominate during quiet wakefulness, but during active wakefulness Non-fast-spiking GABAergic neurons depolarize, firing action potentials at increased rates
- pmid
- 20159454
- title
- Membrane potential dynamics of GABAergic neurons in the barrel cortex of behaving mice.
- contact Name
- Staiger JF, Petersen CC
- contributed by
- Mirjia Herzog
- checked by
not implemented - Andrea Lorincz and Zoltan Nusser -
Molecular identity of dendritic voltage-gated sodium channels.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- The electrical models don't contain Nav1.6, only currents marked as Transient Sodium current
- id
- 53
- species
- rat
- age
- adult
- brain region
- hippocampus
- layer
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- dendritic voltage-gated Na+ (Nav) channels in AP-back propagation
- statement
- Using a highly sensitive electron microscopic immunogold technique, they revealed the presence of the Nav1.6 subunit in hippocampal CA1 PC proximal and distal dendrites. Here, the subunit density is lower by a factor of 35 to 80 than that found in axon initial segments. A gradual decrease in Nav1.6 density along the proximodistal axis of the dendritic tree was also detected without any labeling in dendritic spines. This paper show the characteristic subcellular distribution of the Nav1.6 subunit, identifying this molecule as a key substrate enabling dendritic excitability.
- pmid
- 20466935
- title
- Molecular identity of dendritic voltage-gated sodium channels.
- contact Name
- Andrea Lorincz and Zoltan Nusser
- contributed by
- emmanuelle logette
- checked by
not implemented - Mittman, T - Muscarinic inhibition of
persistent Na+ current in rat neocortical pyramidal neurons.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- Cholinergic innervation is currently not implemented
- id
- 54
- species
- rat
- age
- p13-19
- brain region
- sensorimotor cx
- layer
- ME-Type
- pyramidal neurons
- aspect
- muscainic modulation of persistent Na+ current
- statement
- I NaP of pyramidal cells can be modulated by the dense cholinergic innervation reaching the cerebral cortex. With the cholinergic agonist carbachol in combination with a nicotinic receptor antagonist, stimulation of muscarinic receptors causes an atropine-sensitive decrease of I NaP at all potentials without changing the voltage dependence of I NaP activation
- pmid
- 9497434
- title
- Muscarinic inhibition of persistent Na+ current in rat neocortical pyramidal neurons.
- contact Name
- Mittman, T
- contributed by
- Melissa
- checked by
not implemented - Rafael Lujan - Organisation of
potassium channels on the neuronal surface.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- Our electric models mostly contain pharmacolliogically specified current, this review mostly talks about genetically specified channels
- id
- 55
- species
- rat
- age
- adult
- brain region
- layer
- ME-Type
- dendro-somato-axonic surface of the neurons
- aspect
- Ion channel localization in neurons
- statement
- review about organisation of potassium channel on the neuronal surface using many different techniques
- pmid
- 20338235
- title
- Organisation of potassium channels on the neuronal surface.
- contact Name
- Rafael Lujan
- contributed by
- Emmanuelle Logette
- checked by
not implemented - Robert C. Foehring - Postnatal
development of A-type and Kv1- and Kv2-mediated potassium channel currents in neocortical pyramidal
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- The neocortical column model does not implement maturation
- id
- 56
- species
- rat
- age
- P3 - P38
- brain region
- somatosensory cortex
- layer
- L2/3
- ME-Type
- acutely dissociated pyramidal neurons
- aspect
- Characterisation of the postnatal development of identified Kv channel-mediated currents
- statement
- Both the persistent/slowly inactivating and transient components of the total K+ current increased in density with postnatal age. We found that the density of all identified current components increased with postnatal age, approaching a plateau at 3-5 wk + The putative Kv2-mediated component was the largest at all ages. Immunocytochemistry indicated that protein expression for Kv4.2, Kv4.3, Kv1.4, and Kv2.1 increased between 1 wk and 4-5 wk of age + specific numbers in Tables 1-4 and figures throughout
- pmid
- 21451062
- title
- Postnatal development of A-type and Kv1- and Kv2-mediated potassium channel currents in neocortical pyramidal neurons.
- contact Name
- Robert C. Foehring
- contributed by
- Oli
- checked by
not implemented - Neil V Marrion - Rapid endocytosis
provides restricted somatic expression of a K+ channel in central neurons.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- The electrical neuron models do not explicitely model KCa 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3
- id
- 57
- species
- rat
- age
- embryo
- brain region
- hippocampus
- layer
- ME-Type
- cultured rat embryonic hippocampal neurons
- aspect
- KCa 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 trafficking in the soma of hippocampal neurons
- statement
- Identification of specific binding motifs being responsible for targeting to a particular subcellular location + role of intracellular transport proteins in soma localisation of KCa 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 ion channels
- pmid
- 19861491
- title
- Rapid endocytosis provides restricted somatic expression of a K+ channel in central neurons.
- contact Name
- Neil V Marrion
- contributed by
- emmanuelle logette
- checked by
not implemented - Waters, J - Spiking patterns of
neocortical L5 pyramidal neurons in vitro change with temperature.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- The ion channel kinetics we use are for a fixed temperature. We can not test the firing pattern at different temperatures
- id
- 58
- species
- mouse
- age
- adult
- brain region
- S1/M1
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- AP firing rate
- statement
- The manner in which layer 5 pyramidal neurons translate synaptic input into an output spiking pattern is fundamentally altered at sub-physiological temperatures
- pmid
- 21286222
- title
- Spiking patterns of neocortical L5 pyramidal neurons in vitro change with temperature.
- contact Name
- Waters, J
- contributed by
- SR
- checked by
not implemented - Kole, MHP - State and location
dependence of action potential metabolic cost in cortical pyramidal neurons.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- The electrical models don't mechanism the measure the energy metabolism of the neurons
- id
- 59
- species
- rat
- age
- adult
- brain region
- S1
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- AP metabolic cost
- statement
- The high metabolic cost of action potential initiation and propagation down the axon is a trade-off between energy minimization and maximization of the conduction reliability of high-frequency action potentials.
- pmid
- 22660478
- title
- State and location dependence of action potential metabolic cost in cortical pyramidal neurons.
- contact Name
- Kole, MHP
- contributed by
- SR
- checked by
not implemented - Matthew Larkum - The GABAB1b isoform
mediates long-lasting inhibition of dendritic Ca2+ spikes in layer 5 somatosensory pyramidal
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- These experiments are done in older animals. Our models don't have calcium dynamics in the dendrites
- id
- 60
- species
- mouse
- age
- P27-35
- brain region
- S1
- layer
- 5
- ME-Type
- pyramidal neurons
- aspect
- dendritic currents
- statement
- the mechanism underlying the GABAB inhibition of Ca2+ spikes involves direct blockade of dendritic Ca2+ channels.
- pmid
- 16701210
- title
- The GABAB1b isoform mediates long-lasting inhibition of dendritic Ca2+ spikes in layer 5 somatosensory pyramidal neurons.
- contact Name
- Matthew Larkum
- contributed by
- Shruti
- checked by
not implemented - Larkum ME - Top-down dendritic input
increases the gain of layer 5 pyramidal neurons.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- Calcium action potentials are currently not implemented in the pyramidal cell electrical models
- id
- 61
- species
- rat
- age
- P26-43
- brain region
- neocortex
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- I/O relationship PCs
- statement
- Noisy currents injected in ramps at different dendritic locations showed that the initial slope of the frequency-current (f/I) relationship increases with the distance of the current injection from the soma.
- pmid
- 15115747
- title
- Top-down dendritic input increases the gain of layer 5 pyramidal neurons.
- contact Name
- Larkum ME
- contributed by
- Werner
- checked by
not implemented - Sacha B Nelson - Transcriptional and
electrophysiological maturation of neocortical fast-spiking GABAergic interneurons.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- The neocortical column model does not implement maturation
- id
- 62
- species
- mouse
- age
- P7, P10, P13-15, P25 and P40-45
- brain region
- somatosensory cortex
- layer
- layers 2/3, 5, and 6,
- ME-Type
- Fast spiking IN
- aspect
- Transcriptional and Electrophysiological Maturation of FS IN
- statement
- We found that the intrinsic and synaptic physiology of FS cells undergoes profound regulation over the first 4 postnatal weeks and that these changes are correlated with primarily monotonic but bidirectional transcriptional regulation of thousands of genes belonging to multiple functional classes. Using our microarray screen as a guide, we discovered that upregulation of two-pore K leak channels between P10 and P25 contributes to one of the major differences between the intrinsic membrane properties of immature and adult FS cells and found a number of other candidate genes that likely confer cell-type specificity on mature FS cells.
- pmid
- 19474331
- title
- Transcriptional and electrophysiological maturation of neocortical fast-spiking GABAergic interneurons.
- contact Name
- Sacha B Nelson
- contributed by
- J.Ryge
- checked by
not implemented - Gentet, L.J. - Unique functional
properties of somatostatin-expressing GABAergic neurons in mouse barrel cortex
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- The paper is dependent on behavioral input, which is not implemented in the neocortical column model
- id
- 63
- species
- mouse
- age
- -
- brain region
- primary somatosensory barrel cortex
- layer
- 2,3
- ME-Type
- Neocortical GABAergic neurons
- aspect
- membrane potential dynamics
- statement
- SOM cells will hyperpolarize and reduce action potential firing whenever a given cortical area is actively involved in processing behaviorally relevant information.
- pmid
- 22366760
- title
- Unique functional properties of somatostatin-expressing GABAergic neurons in mouse barrel cortex
- contact Name
- Gentet, L.J.
- contributed by
- John Fielden
- checked by
not implemented - Benedicte Dargent - Voltage-gated
sodium channel organization in neurons: protein interactions and trafficking pathways.
- input/validation/consistent
- not implemented
- evaluation criterion
- The electrical models don't contain Nodes of Ranvier
- id
- 64
- species
- mouse
- age
- adult
- brain region
- layer
- ME-Type
- AIS and nodes of ranvier of neurons
- aspect
- Nav channels distribution and targeting in the AIS and the nodes of ranvier
- statement
- Review on Nav subtype localization and targeting in neurons and the possible interplay between electrogenesis properties and Nav concentration at the AIS and the nodes
- pmid
- 20817077
- title
- Voltage-gated sodium channel organization in neurons: protein interactions and trafficking pathways.
- contact Name
- Benedicte Dargent
- contributed by
- Emmanuelle Logette
- checked by
possibly consistent - Greg Stuart - Axon initial
segment Kv1 channels control axonal action potential waveform and synaptic efficacy.
- input/validation/consistent
- possibly consistent
- evaluation criterion
- id
- 65
- species
- rat
- age
- P14-P35
- brain region
- S1
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Kv1 in AIS
- statement
- 10-fold increase in Kv1 channel density over the first 50 μm of the AIS.
- pmid
- 17698015
- title
- Axon initial segment Kv1 channels control axonal action potential waveform and synaptic efficacy.
- contact Name
- Greg Stuart
- contributed by
- Werner
- checked by
possibly consistent - D. Ulrich - Dendrosomatic
voltage and charge transfer in rat neocortical pyramidal cells in vitro.
- input/validation/consistent
- possibly consistent
- evaluation criterion
- id
- 66
- species
- rat
- age
- P12 - P18
- brain region
- somatosensory cortex
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- Pyramidal neurons
- aspect
- Characterisation of dendrosomatic charge and voltage transfer
- statement
- We find that around rest, the dendrite behaves like a linear cable. The cutoff frequency for somatopetal current transfer is around 4 Hz, i.e., synaptic inputs are heavily low-pass filtered. We conclude that the integrative properties of dendrites in infragranular neocortical pyramidal cells appear to be linear near resting membrane potential. However, at polarized potentials charge transferred is voltage-dependent with a loss of charge at hyperpolarized and a gain of charge at depolarized potentials.
- pmid
- 10980017
- title
- Dendrosomatic voltage and charge transfer in rat neocortical pyramidal cells in vitro.
- contact Name
- D. Ulrich
- contributed by
- Oli
- checked by
possibly consistent - Costa M. Colbert - Ion channel
properties underlying axonal action potential initiation in pyramidal neurons.
- input/validation/consistent
- possibly consistent
- evaluation criterion
- id
- 67
- species
- rat
- age
- p14-24
- brain region
- neocortex
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Electrophysiological properties
- statement
- Na_t activation V1/2 shift between soma and axon
- pmid
- 11992119
- title
- Ion channel properties underlying axonal action potential initiation in pyramidal neurons.
- contact Name
- Costa M. Colbert
- contributed by
- Etay Hay
- checked by
possibly consistent - Nelson,SB - Layer V neurons in
mouse cortex projecting to different targets have distinct physiological properties.
- input/validation/consistent
- possibly consistent
- evaluation criterion
- id
- 68
- species
- mouse
- age
- p23-p28
- brain region
- S1
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- Electrophysiological properties
- statement
- Each class of projection neuron exhibits a unique compliment of hyperpolarizing and depolarizing afterpotentials that further suggests that cortical neurons with different subcortical targets are distinct from one another.
- pmid
- 17898147
- title
- Layer V neurons in mouse cortex projecting to different targets have distinct physiological properties.
- contact Name
- Nelson,SB
- contributed by
- SR
- checked by
possibly consistent - Zaitsev A V - P/Q-type, but
not N-type, calcium channels mediate GABA release from fast-spiking interneurons to pyramidal cells
in rat prefrontal cortex.
- input/validation/consistent
- possibly consistent
- evaluation criterion
- id
- 69
- species
- rat
- age
- p19-p22
- brain region
- medial prefrontal cortex
- layer
- 2,3
- ME-Type
- fast spiking interneurons
- aspect
- AP
- statement
- fast, <=0.50ms at half-ampliture
- pmid
- 17329622
- title
- P/Q-type, but not N-type, calcium channels mediate GABA release from fast-spiking interneurons to pyramidal cells in rat prefrontal cortex.
- contact Name
- Zaitsev A V
- contributed by
- Monica Favre
- checked by
possibly consistent - Zaitsev A V - P/Q-type, but
not N-type, calcium channels mediate GABA release from fast-spiking interneurons to pyramidal cells
in rat prefrontal cortex.
- input/validation/consistent
- possibly consistent
- evaluation criterion
- id
- 70
- species
- rat
- age
- p19-p22
- brain region
- medial prefrontal cortex
- layer
- 2,3
- ME-Type
- fast spiking interneurons
- aspect
- after hyperpolarization
- statement
- deep monophasic, 22.5 ± 0.8mV
- pmid
- 17329622
- title
- P/Q-type, but not N-type, calcium channels mediate GABA release from fast-spiking interneurons to pyramidal cells in rat prefrontal cortex.
- contact Name
- Zaitsev A V
- contributed by
- Monica Favre
- checked by
possibly consistent - Zaitsev A V - P/Q-type, but
not N-type, calcium channels mediate GABA release from fast-spiking interneurons to pyramidal cells
in rat prefrontal cortex.
- input/validation/consistent
- possibly consistent
- evaluation criterion
- id
- 71
- species
- rat
- age
- p19-p22
- brain region
- medial prefrontal cortex
- layer
- 2,3
- ME-Type
- fast spiking interneurons
- aspect
- input resistance
- statement
- low, 212 ± 10Mohms
- pmid
- 17329622
- title
- P/Q-type, but not N-type, calcium channels mediate GABA release from fast-spiking interneurons to pyramidal cells in rat prefrontal cortex.
- contact Name
- Zaitsev A V
- contributed by
- Monica Favre
- checked by
possibly consistent - Zaitsev A V - P/Q-type, but
not N-type, calcium channels mediate GABA release from fast-spiking interneurons to pyramidal cells
in rat prefrontal cortex.
- input/validation/consistent
- possibly consistent
- evaluation criterion
- id
- 72
- species
- rat
- age
- p19-p22
- brain region
- medial prefrontal cortex
- layer
- 2,3
- ME-Type
- fast spiking interneurons
- aspect
- membrane time constant
- statement
- fast, 7.8 ± 0.9ms
- pmid
- 17329622
- title
- P/Q-type, but not N-type, calcium channels mediate GABA release from fast-spiking interneurons to pyramidal cells in rat prefrontal cortex.
- contact Name
- Zaitsev A V
- contributed by
- Monica Favre
- checked by
possibly consistent - Zaitsev A V - P/Q-type, but
not N-type, calcium channels mediate GABA release from fast-spiking interneurons to pyramidal cells
in rat prefrontal cortex.
- input/validation/consistent
- possibly consistent
- evaluation criterion
- id
- 73
- species
- rat
- age
- p19-p22
- brain region
- medial prefrontal cortex
- layer
- 2,3
- ME-Type
- pyramidal cells
- aspect
- AP, hyperpolarization, input resistance membrane time constant
- statement
- values not described, but plotted Figure 1
- pmid
- 17329622
- title
- P/Q-type, but not N-type, calcium channels mediate GABA release from fast-spiking interneurons to pyramidal cells in rat prefrontal cortex.
- contact Name
- Zaitsev A V
- contributed by
- Monica Favre
- checked by
possibly consistent - Karpuk N, Vorobyov V. - Spike
sequences and mean firing rate in rat neocortical neurons in vitro.
- input/validation/consistent
- possibly consistent
- evaluation criterion
- id
- 74
- species
- rat
- age
- adult
- brain region
- neocortex
- layer
- layers II/III and V
- ME-Type
- pyramidal neurons
- aspect
- neuronal discharges and their interrelationship with mean evoked firing rate (MF)
- statement
- single neurons display parameters within a limited range of electrophysiological properties whereas neuronal populations exhibit the continuum of properties (e.g. the AHP shapes
- pmid
- 12729949
- title
- Spike sequences and mean firing rate in rat neocortical neurons in vitro.
- contact Name
- Karpuk N, Vorobyov V.
- contributed by
- Mirjia Herzog
- checked by
possibly consistent - Korngreen, A - Subthreshold
inactivation of voltage-gated K+ channels modulates action potentials in neocortical bitufted
interneurones from rats.
- input/validation/consistent
- possibly consistent
- evaluation criterion
- id
- 75
- species
- rat
- age
- p13-p15
- brain region
- S1
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- aspect
- K+ channels
- statement
- The study investigated the role of voltage-gated channels in the modulation of AP waveform in bitufted interneurones. We show that subthreshold depolarization induces inactivation of voltage-gated K+ conductance resulting in broadening of somatic APs. Dendritic whole-cell and Ca2+-imaging experiments suggest that the broadening of the somatic AP is echoed by changes in the b-AP inducing a larger dendritic Ca2+ influx.
- pmid
- 15539396
- title
- Subthreshold inactivation of voltage-gated K+ channels modulates action potentials in neocortical bitufted interneurones from rats.
- contact Name
- Korngreen, A
- contributed by
- SR
- checked by
possibly consistent - D. Zecevic - The
spatio-temporal characteristics of action potential initiation in layer 5 pyramidal neurons: a
voltage imaging study.
- input/validation/consistent
- possibly consistent
- evaluation criterion
- id
- 76
- species
- mouse
- age
- P5-P9 and P15-P30
- brain region
- layer
- L5
- ME-Type
- PC
- aspect
- statement
- Time course of action potentials in AIS and soma
- pmid
- 21669974
- title
- The spatio-temporal characteristics of action potential initiation in layer 5 pyramidal neurons: a voltage imaging study.
- contact Name
- D. Zecevic
- contributed by
- Werner
- checked by