In Silico Experiments
Movies of the electrical activity of the neurons in the microcircuit (in silico slice, mosaic of 7 microcircuits) during spontaneous and evoked activity under a variety of bath conditions.
Spontaneous Activity
Visualization of 3.5s of spontaneous activity in the in silico slice under moderate depolarization and [Ca2+]o = 1.4mM. Neuronal dendrites are coloured according to the local voltage and a heat colormap.
Visualization of 3.5s of spontaneous activity in the in silico slice under in vivo-like conditions (depolarization, [Ca2+]o = 1.3mM). Neuronal dendrites are coloured according to the local voltage and a heat colormap.
Evoked activity
Visualization of evoked activity in layer IV of a mosaic of 7 microcircuits due to
stimulation of 16 central VPM fibers under in vitro conditions (no depolarization,
[Ca2+]o = 2.0mM). Neuronal somas are coloured according to the
somatic voltage and a heat colormap. Time interval: 300ms.
Visualization of evoked activity in layer V of a mosaic of 7 microcircuits due to
stimulation of 16 central VPM fibers under in vitro conditions (no depolarization,
[Ca2+]o = 2.0mM). Neuronal somas are coloured according to the
somatic voltage and a heat colormap. Time interval: 300ms.
Visualization of evoked activity in layer IV of a mosaic of 7 microcircuits due to
stimulation of 16 central VPM fibers under in vivo-like conditions (depolarization,
[Ca2+]o = 1.3mM). Neuronal somas are coloured according to the
somatic voltage and a heat colormap. Time interval: 300ms.
Visualization of evoked activity in layer V of a mosaic of 7 microcircuits due to
stimulation of 16 central VPM fibers under in vivo-like conditions (depolarization,
[Ca2+]o = 1.3mM). Neuronal somas are coloured according to the
somatic voltage and a heat colormap. Time interval: 300ms.
Movies of synaptomes for 55 different me-types. For an exemplar of each m-type, a 360˚ visualization of the morphology with a heterogeneous distribution of afferent intrinsic synapses on dendrites is shown.
Synaptome movies are available in the context of their morphoelectrical (me-type) detail page available through the Neocortical Microcircuit page.
EPSP and bAP Attenuation
Movies of the dendritic attenuation of synaptic (EPSP) and back-propagating action potentials (bAP) for 207 me-types.
For each me-type, 5 exemplars were chosen to recreate experimental protocols to measure the attenuation of EPSPs and bAPs in dendrites. EPSP attenuation was measured by inducing a transient synaptic conductance change in a chosen dendritic section. bAP attenuation was measured by evoking a somatic AP by step current injection and recording the local membrane potential change in dendrites.
Movies showing simulations of EPSP and bAP attenuation are available in the context of their morphoelectrical (me-type) detail page available through the Neocortical Microcircuit page.
Visualization of 3.5s of spontaneous activity in the in silico slice under depolarization and in vitro calcium conditions ([Ca2+]o = 2.0 mM). Neuronal dendrites are coloured according to the local voltage and a heat colormap.